Engle Martin is excited to announce the newest winners of our EMpact Award, Jeff Morlen and Grant Slater. One of our core values is the commitment to recognize and celebrate the value of everyone’s contribution. This peer-nominated award acknowledges individual performance, leadership qualities, and positive influence to our organization.
The award includes:
- A recognition ceremony
- A monetary award for the winner
- A donation from Engle Martin to a charity of the winner’s choosing
During the nomination process, Jeff’s peers stated that “Jeff constantly teaches people around him. He always interacts with everyone in the office and embraces all changes which occur around us daily. He is always prepared to grow in this field, and he constantly seizes all opportunities that come his way. His presence in team meetings brightens up everybody’s day and spreads a positive energy to all team members.”
Click to read more about what makes Jeff so deserving of this award!
Grant’s peers also had many great things to say about why he is deserving of this honor, stating “Grant has taken the lead on EIMC’s warehouse inspection service and demonstrated incredible tenacity in developing client relationships. Meanwhile, he’s one of the first EIMC team members to routinely engage and utilize Engle Martin’s field adjusting capabilities. In doing so, he’s provided effective cross-training in marine STP considerations and built a great base for future integration of our teams.”
Click to read more about what makes Grant so deserving of this award!
A well deserved congratulations to them both!