For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Engle Martin is dedicated to highlighting the strength, resilience, and courage of breast cancer survivors.
Engle Martin’s Claims Administrator, Heather Lopez, Fort Lauderdale, FL, shared her personal breast cancer journey to help inspire hope and raise awareness, read more below.
Q: Can you share the moment when you first received your diagnosis?
Heather Lopez: I will never forget the moment I received my diagnosis. After I had initially seen the doctor, I was told that the doctor would be going out of town and had to make a follow-up appointment after his return. My husband and I had discussed that I wanted to get my results alone so that I could process them without feeling like I had to compose myself for his sake. I received a phone call from the doctor’s office sooner than I expected during the workday. The nurse told me that I needed to come into the office and that it was urgent. That is the moment that I instinctively knew. My stomach dropped to my feet like when you go on a rollercoaster, and you take the first plunge from the height of the clouds.
Upon arriving to the doctor’s office, I heard the doctor’s voice from the room next to me and was confused because he was supposed to be out of the office. After a moment, I heard the knock on the door and the doctor stepped in. He very bluntly told me my results and I remember thinking that it was a joke. The day before was April Fool’s Day and I asked the doctor if it was an April Fool’s joke; I didn’t understand how this could be as I was only 32. After the doctor left, I completely broke down in a sloppy, snotty, disgusting cry. The nurse handed me tissue after tissue.
On my way home, I don’t know where it came from, but I sat in my car in total silence and made up a song. I sang “Everything’s gonna be alright, everything’s gonna be okay, it doesn’t matter what they say, everything’s gonna be okay.” I may have been losing my mind a bit and my song didn’t make it to the top of the billboard charts. As I drove, I called my mom who I am not very close with but as usual when you’re sick, you just want your mommy. She didn’t answer so I pulled over and called my husband and started sobbing. I wasn’t able to to drive because the tears clouded my vision. Once my husband was able to calm me down, I jumped back in the car and somehow made it home. When I got there, my husband held me and reassured me that we would get through this.
Q: How did your perspective on life change after being diagnosed with breast cancer?
Heather Lopez: After being diagnosed, I realized that I needed to make more time for the people and activities I love. The people that truly matter in my life. I realized that your life can truly change in a moment and that you shouldn’t take any moments for granted.
Q: How did your diagnosis impact your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues?
Heather Lopez: I have always been very independent, so it was extremely hard for me to let go and allow others to help. My husband’s family outpoured help and while it was overwhelming at times it was also appreciated. The experience brought us a lot closer together. I had some friends that didn’t know what to do so they kept a distance but, I understood and knew that they still loved me. It was a hard and difficult situation to relate to. Other friends went out of their way to help in the best way that they knew how. My colleagues were the biggest surprise. I had a few that I had worked with for some time and had built relationships with and they were supportive and checked on me often. Other colleagues that I barely knew surprised me with kind messages, participation in fundraising, and sent cards with words of encouragement and support. This was a huge testament to the type of company Engle Martin is, not every company would reach out more than once and help in ways that I never expected. I feel like it helped me make and build new relationships.
Q: Who were your biggest supporters throughout your journey?
Heather Lopez: My biggest supporters were most definitely my husband and his family. After my diagnosis, I had multiple surgeries. Multiple complications from those surgeries. My mother-in-law took me to appointments, took care of me at her house for a few weeks. My husband was compassionate, loving, and patient. He had to not only work but step up to take on a lot of the household duties and help tremendously with our littles. My mother came to help, and his family took turns bringing us food.
The support pulled me out of my lows. My family surrounded me with love and support. They reminded us that we are not alone in this. Inheriting my husband’s family showed me that regardless of how often you see each other or how close you may be; when one of you are in need the entire family shows up. That’s what family does, they show up, and they did exactly that!
Q: What advice or words of encouragement would you share with others going through a similar journey?
Heather Lopez: The advice I would give is to never ever lose hope. For them to allow themselves to feel everything they are feeling and to find the beauty in every day. To laugh as often as they can and be their own advocate! Also to remind them that they know their body better than anyone.
In support of breast cancer awareness, the Engle Martin team is joining together to support the charitable organization chosen by Heather. She has selected the Florida Breast Cancer Foundation, whose mission is dedicated to improving the lives of those in Florida with Breast Cancer and giving hope where there is none.
Click here to learn more about the Florida Breast Cancer Foundation and donate.